UV/VIS Absorbance Measurements Application Note
Fiber optic spectrometers are ideal in UV/VIS absorbance measurements due to their small size, their ability to be introduced in harsh environments via their fiber interface, and their low cost. UV/VIS absorbance measurements involve a myriad of chemical and biochemical applications with several potential research and industrial end uses. This application note discussed UV/VIS absorbance measurements, common system configurations used in these measurements, the advantages of fiber optics, instrument control software, and more.
Thin Film Metrology Application Note
Spectroscopic reflectrometry is a measurement technique used in thin film metrology applications. This application note discussed how Avantes’ instruments and fiber optic sampling tools are used in spectroscopic reflectrometry measurements. This technology spans several applications in several industries including, but not limited to solar, semiconductor, and optical coatings measurements.
Solar Measurements Application Note
Avantes has designed and developed spectroscopy and spectroradiometry systems for the solar industry. These systems can be used in solar applications like process control in the manufacture of thin film photovoltaic panels, direct solar measurements, solar simulator characterization, and more. This application note discusses how Avantes’ spectroscopy and spectroradiometry systems are used in solar measurement applications.
LED Metrology Application Note
This application note discusses Avantes’ bundled systems used in LED metrology applications. These systems are typically comprised of spectrometers and spectroradiometers, and offer customers a low cost solution for LED measurements.
Gemology Measurement Application Note
Avantes has developed spectrometers, halogen light sources, fiber optic reflection probes, reflection integrating spheres, and more for the gemology industry. These measurement tools are used to measure the characteristics of gems, or to determine if stone has been treated. Some measurements can be quite simple and can be performed with integrating sphere or probes. More advanced measurement techniques can be done through photoluminescence systems or TE cooled spectrometers. This application note discusses Avantes’ capabilities as they relate to gemology measurement.
Fluorescence Spectroscopy: A More Energy Efficient Light Source For Biomedial Research
The measurement needs of fluorescence vary greatly depending upon the application. Avantes has worked closely with a number of researchers and process engineers to facilitate fluorescence measurements in research, clinical and industrial environments.
High Performance Spectrometers-Avantes StarLine Product Brochure
The StarLine family of high performance spectrometers includes high-speed instruments for process control, high resolution instruments for atomic emissions, and versatile instruments for irradiance and absorbance chemistry. These spectrometers exceed most general spectroscopy demands. This brochure covers the spectrometers in the Avantes StarLine product family.
Solutions in Spectroscopy
For almost twenty years, Avantes has developed fiber optic spectroscopy instruments used to measure ultra-violet, visible, and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths.
3M™ Betapure™ AU Series Filter Cartridges And Capsules
Betapure™ AU series filter cartridges and capsules set the standard for filtration performance.
3M™ Betapure™ AU Series Filter Cartridges And Capsules Datasheet
Betapure™ AU series filter cartridges and capsules set the standard for filtration performance.