Electronic Variable Speed Promotes Processing Flexibility In Ribbon Blenders - From Soft Start To Discharge
Variable frequency drives enable ‘soft start’ of ribbon blenders, an essential feature that protects the system against a spike in start-up torque. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Tech Brief: Eliminate 'Fish Eyes' In Your Mix
Inefficient mixing can lead to agglomerates and "fish eyes" which are difficult to disperse once formed. Using a high shear mixer equipped for powder induction helps prevent the formation of agglomerates, maximizes yield, and cuts cycle time. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Tech Brief: High Speed Mixing: Saw-Tooth Dispersers Vs. Rotor/Stator Mixers
The saw-tooth disperser and rotor/stator mixer are two of the most widely used high speed mixers yet many are unaware of the differences in their utility and operating capacities. Knowing the unique attributes of these devices is important in mixer selection and process optimization. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Improve Emulsion Stability Through Ultra-High Shear Mixing
The droplet size distribution of an emulsion largely dictates its stability. Today, ultra-high shear rotor/stator designs are available which can improve emulsion stability of certain formulations. By Charles Ross and Son Company
High Performance NIR Spectrometers: AvaSpec NIRLine
The new AvaSpec NIRLine high performance spectrometers provide leading-edge performance for dispersive NIR instruments with toroid focusing mirrors and dynamic dark correction for enhanced stability.
AvaSpec NIRLine Brochure
This download contains information on the Avantes NIRLine Near-Infrared Fiber-Optic Spectrometers.
The AvaSpec NIRLine includes eight instruments, with all but one being thermo-electrically cooled. They are designed to perform in a variety of applications such as:
- Moisture content measurement of liquids, solids and powders for inline and quality control purposes
- Quantitative and qualitative measurement of volatile organics such as ethanol, and methanol
- Reflection measurements on coated substrates
- Agricultural measurements on grains and fruit
- Biofuel analysis
- Plastic characterization and material identification
- Irradiance measurements such as solar monitoring
Tech Brief: Vertical Blender/Dryers Deliver High Drying Rates With Negligible Risk Of Product Attrition
Agitated dryers give significantly higher drying rates per unit heating area than non-agitated systems such as ovens and tray dryers. This is due to continuous renewal of solids in contact with the dryer’s heated surfaces. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Vertical Blender/Dryers Deliver High Drying Rates With Negligible Risk Of Product Attrition
Agitated dryers give significantly higher drying rates per unit heating area than non-agitated systems such as ovens and tray dryers. This is due to continuous renewal of solids in contact with the dryer’s heated surfaces. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Ultra-High Shear Mixers Increase Overall Throughput And Efficiency Of Homogenization Processes
Many fine emulsions and dispersions require multiple passes through a high pressure homogenizer to achieve the final droplet or particle size distribution. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Tech Brief: Ultra-High Shear Mixers Increase Overall Throughput And Efficiency Of Homogenization Processes
Several types of mixing systems are utilized for combining raw materials into a pre-mix. There are gentle agitation devices such as low speed propellers, turbines or paddle agitators. Better quality pre-mixes are achieved through the use of high speed devices like open-disc saw-tooth blades and high shear rotor/stator mixers. By Charles Ross and Son Company