Tech Brief: Apply High Speed Powder Induction To Eliminate Dusting In The Mixing Area
When poured from one open vessel into another, lightweight solids easily become airborne and can require extensive clean up. The most serious concern however is the impact of dusting on plant safety. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Run Your Rotor/Stator Mixer At Maximum Speed To Optimize Particle Size Reduction
High shear mixers feature a four-blade rotor running at tip speeds in the range of 3,000-4,000 feet/min within a close tolerance fixed stator. By Charles Ross and Son Company
Tech Brief: Run Your Rotor/Stator Mixer At Maximum Speed To Optimize Particle Size Reduction
High shear mixers feature a four-blade rotor running at tip speeds in the range of 3,000-4,000 feet/min within a close tolerance fixed stator. Running the rotor at a particular tip speed yields a corresponding equilibrium, which can be represented through the size distribution of a dispersion or emulsion. By Charles Ross and Son Company
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Jerome® J605 Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer
This next-generation of the renowned Jerome® family of vapor analyzers maintains all the features, reliability and simplicity that have established Jerome® as an industry leader in the hydrogen sulfide and mercury vapor gas detection markets for more than 20 years.
Datasheet: Jerome® J605 Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer
This next-generation of the renowned Jerome® family of vapor analyzers from Arizona Instrument maintains all the features, reliability, and simplicity that have established Jerome® as an industry leader in the hydrogen sulfide and mercury vapor gas detection markets for more than 20 years.
Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer: Jerome® J605
This next-generation of the renowned Jerome® family of vapour analyzers maintains all the features, reliability sinplicity’ That have established Jerome as an industry leader in the ‘hydrogen sulfide and mercury vapor gas detection markets for more Than 20 years.
Brochure: Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer: Jerome® J605
This next-generation of the renowned Jerome® family of vapor analyzers maintains all the features, reliability, and simplicity that have established Jerome as an industry leader in the hydrogen sulfide and mercury vapor gas detection markets for more than 20 years.
ProSys MTS Tube Filler
The ProSys MTS series is a state of the art, semi -automatic squeeze tube filling and closing system. Designed for short run and low volume tube filling applications. Produces up to 25 finished tubes per minute.
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